from wordpress_xmlrpc import Client, WordPressPost from wordpress_xmlrpc.methods.posts import GetPosts, NewPost from wordpress_xmlrpc.methods.users import GetUserInfo import collections collections.Iterable=collections.abc.Iterable # 官方文档 https://python-wordpress-xmlrpc.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ wp = Client('http://s.shutu.icu/xmlrpc.php', 'name', 'password') wp.call(GetPosts()) wp.call(GetUserInfo()) post = WordPressPost() post.title = 'My new title' post.content = 'This is the body of my new post.' post.post_status = "publish" # 状态 publish是发布,draft是草稿 post.terms_names = { 'post_tag': ['test', 'firstpost'], # 标签,无则新增 'category': ['Introductions', 'Tests']} # 分类 wp.call(NewPost(post))
from wordpress_xmlrpc.methods.media import UploadFile from wordpress_xmlrpc import Client from wordpress_xmlrpc import WordPressPost from wordpress_xmlrpc.methods.posts import NewPost # Your credentials url = 'http://你的域名.后缀名/xmlrpc.php' username = '你的wordpress的账号名' password = '你的wordpress的账号密码' client = Client(url, username, password) # Define your image and its properties data = { 'name': 'big_image.jpg', 'type': 'image/jpeg', # mimetype } # Read the binary file and let the XMLRPC library encode it into base64 with open('big_image.jpg', 'rb') as img: data['bits'] = img.read() response = client.call(UploadFile(data)) attachment_id = response['id'] def send_post(title, content, attachment_id): post = WordPressPost() post.title = title post.content = content post.post_status = 'publish' post.thumbnail = attachment_id post_id = client.call(NewPost(post)) # Call the function send_post("Your Title", "Your Content", attachment_id)
from wordpress_xmlrpc import Client, WordPressPost from wordpress_xmlrpc.methods.posts import NewPost from wordpress_xmlrpc.methods.media import UploadFile # from wordpress_xmlrpc.compat import xmlrpc_client import os image_content_list=['图片1','图片2','图片3','图片4'] def create_gallery_post(images_folder, wordpress_url, wordpress_username, wordpress_password): # 登录到 WordPress client = Client(wordpress_url, wordpress_username, wordpress_password) # 创建 WordPress 文章 post = WordPressPost() post.title = "批量发布图片" post.content = "终于解决批量上传图片的问题了" post.excerpt = '解决!' # 遍历图片文件夹 kk=0 for filename in os.listdir(images_folder): if filename.endswith(".jpg") or filename.endswith(".jpeg") or filename.endswith(".png"): image_path = os.path.join(images_folder, filename) # 上传图片到 WordPress data = { 'name': filename, 'type': 'image/jpeg', # 或者其他图片格式 } with open(image_path, 'rb') as img: data['bits'] = img.read() response = client.call(UploadFile(data)) # response = client.call(client.get_method('wp.uploadFile'), data, img) attachment_id = response['id'] img_url = response['url'] print(attachment_id) print(img_url) print(type(attachment_id))#<class 'str'> # 添加图片内容和图片url到文章内容中 post.content +=image_content_list[kk]+'\n'+f'<img src="{img_url}" alt="{filename}" />' kk=kk+1 # 发布图库文章到 WordPress post.post_status = 'publish' client.call(NewPost(post)) print("图库文章发布成功!") # 图片文件夹路径 images_folder = './jpg' # 替换为实际的图片文件夹路径 # WordPress 站点信息 wordpress_url = 'http://你的域名.后缀名/xmlrpc.php' wordpress_username = '你的wordpress的账号名' wordpress_password = '你的wordpress的账号密码' # 创建图库文章(含多张图片的文章)并发布到 WordPress create_gallery_post(images_folder, wordpress_url, wordpress_username, wordpress_password)
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